Tips to Make the Most of Your Personal Training Program

It is the 21st century; health and fitness is the day. Everyone wants to lose the flab, build some muscle mass and develop the typical movie-star sort of build. Thankfully, there are a huge number of workouts and fitness regimens waiting for you.

Whether you are a member of a gym, or are casually reading articles online, if you pick up an effective program and follow it rigorously, it will return dividends.

One of the most proven personal training programs is the 12 week body challenge. It has recently been the rage among fitness freaks, and there are several renditions offered by different providers, gyms, websites and the like. If you do take up a 12 week body challenge course, it is important that you make the most of it. If you are pregnant, don’t worry you can also participate to the challenge if you follow carefully the 37 fit pregnancy tips.

What is the challenge?

The premise of the challenge is simple. A number of competitors sign up at an initial date, and are asked to tabulate their present physical state BEFORE, by taking pictures, and recording data like weight, span of the waist, hips etc.

The next step is the program itself. The provider will give you a comprehensive set of workouts, along with nutritional information and detailed routines. Follow these religiously, and you will see results soon enough.

The program spans over 12 weeks, so once that is over, you need to collect and tabulate your AFTER data the same way you tabulated the BEFORE data, with pictures and measurements. The program coordinators will then review the data and create a ranked list of all participants.

The top ranked participant will be the one who has benefited the most, i.e. undergone the most change through the program. This winner is given a large prize, normally a cash prize along with felicitation and recognition. These are however supplementary- the biggest reward you get is the fantastic effect of the personal training program.

Back Your Personal Training Program With A Fantastic Nutritional Plan

While the workouts and the physical activity are the major part of your program, they may not be as effective if they are not backed up with a properly sketched out nutritional plan.

Good nutrition and a balanced diet are very important in keeping oneself fit. You need to cut down on excess carbs and fatty food. Switch to a diet which is able to give your body all the essential nutrients without adding empty calories to it.

Low-fat milk, cheese, yogurt are actually great for your bones. Leafy, green vegetables, fruits and organic foodstuffs are the best for your system. Muscles need lean proteins, which are found in meat and nuts in abundance.

Avoid foods processed in high fat, sodium or sugar. You should snack either before or after your workouts, but restrict those to short meals, with nuts, or lean meats or fruits. These really help.

Tabulate Your Progress

This is actually one of the most important things to do. You could maintain a diary or even a spreadsheet where you record your statistics like weight and other measurements weekly. This is important as it helps you keep track and ensure that the program really is working, and also keeps you motivated towards your goals. There are a number of apps for your smartphone which can collect data while you are running or working out, and then tabulate it themselves. You could use those too

Brace Yourself

It is important for you to be fit enough to undertake the entire challenge. So, in between workout times, you should also practice some basic workouts, from weights, to crunches, push-ups and other activities which allow your upper body, back, shoulders, biceps and triceps to stay in shape. It is also important that you take adequate rest and allow your body to accept the rapid changes which will be occurring.

The 12 week body challenge from Dangerously Fit is a tough process, but it is also a highly rewarding one. Even if you don’t win, you end up much thinner and fitter, ready to face the world.